Sunday, May 27, 2018

Soccer Star and Dance Diva

Our sweet little girl decided to try her hand at soccer this spring.  She was really excited and was ready for the season to start.  Her first game of the season though was a little bit of a let down, it was so cold and so rainy and my poor mom had to tough it out with the kids because Craig and I were gone.  Her second game she was just getting over her nasty stomach bug, so there were a lot of tears throughout that game and a very frustrated mom (both Craig and I are very competitive and we will have to learn how to be parents to a non-competitive kid).  Finally the third game was a success with good weather and the bribe of donuts after the game.  The next game was a bribe of Panda Express and then after that no bribes were needed.  It wasn't a matter of her not liking soccer, but more so the chaos that is 5 year olds playing soccer.  She loves order and knowing exactly she is supposed to do.  She is also very timid and was not a big fan of the few very aggressive kids that liked to push their way through everyone.  By the end of the season she was talking about wanting to play again next year.  She was pretty disappointed that she never scored a goal, even though she was very close a couple of times.  I hope that she will continue to want to play because I feel like you can learn so much from playing team sports, but I do have a feeling she might be more of an individual sport type of girl.

Brooklyn also loved ballet this year and she just recently had another recital.  For this recital her class were ferrets as part of the Carnival of the Animals.  Luckily their costume didn't really resemble a ferret much at all, but they sure looked adorable.  She really does enjoy dance and I do feel like I am becoming a little bit better of a dance mom and I do feel like there will be a lot of dance in our future.  She was so excited that both set of grandparents were able to make it to her recital and that her Daddy got her flowers again.  Our cute little ferret was sad that dance had to end and can't wait for it to start again in the fall.  She loved her teacher and all the girls in her class and was so excited when they got to wear whatever they wanted to their last class.

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