Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Soccer Season

Brooklyn had such a fantastic soccer season with the Grey Wolves.  She was so much fun to watch and improved so much from the spring.  This season we decided to have her play through the Star Park and rec. and it was so much better.  Her coach was great and actually taught them about the game.  Brooklyn's dribbling and defense kept improving as the season went on.  She was one of the older ones on her team, which meant she was faster than most of the other girls and that helped her score in every game but one.  She would get so excited every time she scored and would cheer every time someone else on her team scored.  She was so sad when the season was over and can't wait to play again.  They finished off the season with a party and the coach even got all of the girls a trophy, Brooklyn couldn't believe it.  It was so much fun seeing her confidence grow and watch her work hard at something she loves.  McKay was a great cheerleader and I know he will be out there soon enough himself.