Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dance Class

Brooklyn has been begging to take a dance class for months.  We finally found one with the Eagle Parks and Rec.  It is a tap/ballet class.  She was so excited the first day of class.  I even let her choose out her own leotard.  She is so cute in class.  She pays so close attention to teacher Suzie and does exactly what she's asked.  They haven't learned a whole lot yet, which is to be expected with a class full of 3 and 4 year olds.  They have 3 more classes left in their 6 week session.  She is the cutest little dancer I have ever seen and she is very coordinated too.  I think she could be a very good dancer, especially since she has such a great memory, so she would be able to remember a routine very well. I love her excitement for learning new things.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam

Last Sunday Brooklyn was finally able to go to Sunbeams for the first time.  Yes, I know it was the last Sunday in January, but we have had some weird circumstances.  We were out of town the first Sunday of the year and then the next Sunday church was cancelled because of bad weather.  The Sunday church was cancelled our church building flooded because a pipe froze and then burst.  So we had to go to a different building for the next two weeks, which meant we only went to sacrament meeting.  Brooklyn was so excited to be a part of Primary.  She even got to go up and sing during sacrament meeting.  She loves her teacher, Sister Ramey, and she has some fun kids in her class.  I can't believe she is finally a Sunbeam and I love her enthusiasm and love for Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.  She loves to learn the scripture stories and knows quite a few of them already.  I sure love my little Sunbeam.