Thursday, December 25, 2014

Brooklyn is 22 months

December 22, 2014
23 lbs
Size 4 diapers
Size 18 month clothing
I can't believe my little girl is almost 2, time truly does fly.  She is continuing to talk more and more.  Still not putting sentences together but she knows a lot of words and communicates what she wants and needs very well.  She loves letters.  She has some toys and puzzles with letters and she can identify quite a few letters and can say a good amount of them as well.  We have been working a lot on colors.  For the longest time everything was blue regardless of what color it actually was.  She all of the sudden could say orange, and no we did not purposely teach our daughter blue and orange (go Broncos!), she did it all on her own.  She now also can say grey.  She can recognize a lot more colors but refuses to say them.  She is completely obsessed with books, we read a minimum of 30 books a day, I guess that is a good problem to have though.  Her favorite food at the moment is banana.  She eats one a day, sometimes two if daddy doesn't realize she had one earlier.  Between her and Craig we go through at least 12 bananas a week.  She has started to show a little interest in the potty.  Sometimes she wants to sit on it, but she has yet to actually go potty in it.  I don't think she is quite ready for potty training, but hopefully it will be sooner rather then later, but its not something I am going to push too much.  She loves to go to nursery and still loves going to the gym. She is really happy most of the time, we do have to do timeout every once in a while, but that is to be expected.  Her naps are starting to get shorter and somedays are non-existent, which makes me sad, but I will have to deal with it.  She has had a cold with a cough and runny nose and also been teething the last few weeks.  She didn't sleep well for a little while because her cough kept waking her up but she is now back into her good sleeping habits.  She is now just barely tall enough to reach the door handles.  She loves to open and close doors but she can't turn the handle, so there have been time when she has got herself stuck in a room and can't get out until I get her.  She is so much fun and such a joy, I am so grateful I get to spend everyday with her.

She wanted to wear one of mommy's scarves
fun at the zoo with her friend Peyton

She was saying "moo" as the picture was being taken

Her new favorite thing at the library is to sit on the zebra

She loves to crunch leaves, a girl after my own heart

Rockin' her boots and sweater dress

Loving the cupcakes I made for my primary class, she just kept wanting more frosting

Brooklyn wanted Daddy to check her eyes after my exam

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since most of our SCO friends are no longer in Memphis, we decided to get together with some families from our ward.  There were enough families that we needed to do the dinner at the church, which Craig is not a big fan of, but it worked out really well.  Everyone brought a few items of food.  There was more than enough food and everything was fantastic.  Brooklyn had a lot of fun with all of the other kids around.  She didn't eat a whole lot since she was preoccupied with all of the people, but she got enough.  She did get locked out of the nursery on accident and got a little scared because she couldn't get back in and didn't know how to get to the gym.  Luckily one of the other moms found her and brought her back into us.  We all had a very enjoyable day and are so grateful for the friends that we have made in our ward.  I just wanted to list off a few other things that we are grateful for right now in our lives:
Loving and supportive family, friends, the education and training that Craig is receiving, my jobs (even though they aren't much they do still help), our health, our beautiful daughter and the joy she brings into our lives, our house and cars, the knowledge that we are an eternal family and all of the many other blessings that the gospel brings into our lives.  

Craig had his eyes closed in every single picture

A few of the families and missionaries that we had dinner with

Brooklyn with Emma McKonkie

Caleb Bockholt and Brooklyn