Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Brooklyn turns 2!!!

February 22, 2015
23.5 lbs (27 percentile)
33 inches
size 18-24 month clothing

I can't believe my baby girl is 2 already.  The last 2 years have just flown by.  She is such a little person now and I love her to death.  We didn't do a whole lot for her birthday since it was on a Sunday, but we tried to make it a special day for her.  On Saturday she helped me to make some mini cupcakes that we then took to church on Sunday and she shared with her nursery class.  After church we laid her down for a nap and then we brought out her presents.  She was so excited to see her presents when she woke up.  She got a play vacuum and swimsuit from Nana and Pops, sundresses and puzzles from Grandma and Grandpa, a water bottle, toy animals, golf clubs, toothpaste, bubble bath and undies from mom and dad.  After dinner that evening we sang happy birthday and had her blow out her candles, which she did on the first try, and eat some cupcakes.  It was a quite day, but a lot of fun to spend it with just our little family.  Brooklyn was super cute all day and was excited to tell everyone that she was 2 and show them her 2 fingers.  It was fun for me too, because she actually somewhat understood what was going on.
She of course wanted pink frosting

my favorite picture from her birthday

birthday girl before church
This last month Brooklyn's vocabulary has shot through the roof.  She repeats everything and loves to try saying new words.  She is constantly surprising me with what she says.  One of my favorite things that she says is "cute".  Everything and anything that is small is cute, so even when she has to go potty and she goes just a little bit she says that it's "cute pee".  She is also a "cute girl".  If we ever tell her that she is silly or crazy or anything like that, she says "no, cute girl".  She is still doing well with her potty training, she still sleeps with either a pull-up or diaper on, but other then that she wears her minnie mouse undies and does really well with telling me when she needs to go.

She still loves bananas and fruit in general.  She does really well with eating pretty much whatever Craig and I eat.  She loves mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, and hot dogs (she can eat 2 in one sitting) for lunch.  She really likes meat (chicken, pork, hamburger, etc).  If we have fruits or veggies with a meal, we have to give them to her after she eats some of the entree, because if we don't she will just eat the fruits and veggies and won't want anything else.  She just got 2 more teeth in, her last K-9 and her first 2 year molar.  She is still obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and loves her Mickey Mouse stuffed animal.  She loves going to nursery now and gets upset when we  take her out to use the bathroom and she doesn't even ask to take her burp clothe, although she still uses them all the time.

I can't get over that she is already 2.  She is such a crack up, she makes us laugh all of the time.  She makes funny faces and has really good comedic timing for someone so young.  She loves her letters and numbers and is doing pretty well counting to 10 (just need to get her to include 7).  She is so much fun to spend my day with (well, most days) and I am so glad that she is ours forever.  So excited to continue to watch her grow.