Friday, October 24, 2014

Brooklyn is 20 months old

October 22, 2014
Size 12-18 & 18 month clothing
Size 4 diapers
22 lbs
I'm starting to have a harder time keeping track of the changes with Brooklyn because they are coming more frequently now.  She continues to show her ever growing personality.  She loves to laugh and giggle.  If others are laughing she has to join in and she is also starting to figure out when funny things happen on cartoons and will laugh at Goofy or Curious George.  She hasn't started saying a lot more new words but she is using the words she does know with alot more frequency.  Her favorite words to say right now are eye and heart.  If she sees one anywhere, which is quite often, she will repeat it until you aknowledge it.  She knows what an owl says now, hoo hoo.  She will now say BEEP when she touches her knows, thanks Pops.  Her favorite song to sing is Popcorn Popping and she learned the hand motions in less than 5 minutes and can do all of them.  She has been refusing to drink milk the last few weeks, but other then that she continues to be a good eater and will try most anything.  She absolutely loves fruit snack and would eat them all day long if I let her, but really who can blame her, those things are awesome.

She is obsessed with trucks, she thinks every truck is Craig's and when I tell her that its not Daddys she always ask where it is.  She continues to love her stuffed animals and has started to really like toy cars, she will fling them all the way across the living room floor. She loves to pretend with her baby doll and stuffed animals, feeding them, diapering them, burping, rocking, putting to sleep, etc.  She has done well in nursery the last few weeks. There are a few tears when we drop her off and we have to leave her with a burp clothe, but she does pretty well and stays in there the whole time.  Naps are slowly getting shorter, but I knew that was enevitable since she has never been the greatest napper.  I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that she will still nap at least some after she turns 2.  She is definitely developing a temper, but most of the time she is really happy and a great, sweet girl.  There was one time at the grocery store a few weeks ago where she had about 5 meltdowns, which was super exciting, but I try to remind myself that it is a part of her being a toddler and we just need to learn how to deal with them.  I love my sweet girl dearly and can never get over how big she is getting.

these are her favorite shoes to pull out of my closet

She didn't want to actually play on the playground, but instead spent her time playing in the bark

she had to get out her laptop when Craig got his
rockin her shades

time to pull out the fall clothes, happy her BSU hoddie still fits. She loved sitting in the big girl swing

She ofcourse she had to sit on the doggie at the Botanic Gardens

Fun in the hammock with Peyton and Carson

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Brian and Brooke's Wedding

Craig's oldest brother Brian got married last weekend, October 18th, in Salt Lake City.  We woke Brooklyn up at 5:00 am to head to the airport Friday morning. We flew through Dallas, so hopefully we don't end up woth Ebola.
playing at the airport while waitng for our connecting flight
  She did really well on the flights but was ready for a nap when we got to the hotel.  We were able to stay at a hotel that looked over Temple Square, It was beautiful.  After Brooklyn took a nap and we all got ready, we headed over to the Joseph Smith Memorial Building for the rehersal dinner.  Diane put everything together and did a wonderful job.  Everything turned out really great.  We left a little early so that Brooklyn could get to bed since she was up so early that morning.

Meeting Aunt Lisa for the first time

Fun in the hotel with cousins
 Brooklyn had an awful night that night.  Between 2 teeth coming in and a new place she ended up sleeping in our bed most of the night, which is a first for us, but luckily it was a king size bed so there was plenty of room.  Saturday morning we all got up and has breakfast and then started to get ready for the wedding.  We laid Brooklyn down for a nap right before we headed over to the temple and she slept the whole time we were gone at the sealing.  Luckily Craig's Grandparents brought some Young Women from their ward to the hotel to watch all of the kids.  The sealing was beautiful and we are so glad that we got to be a part of it. We then headed back to the hotel to pick up the kids and get them back to the temple for pictures.  Sadly I didn't get any good pictures of Brooke and Brian at the temple because I was trying to keep Brooklyn from photo bombing other people's wedding pictures.
Before the sealing

All she wanted to do was climb the stairs

  After the temple we all changed into our reception clothes and drove to La Caille for pictures and the reception.  The venue was gorgeous.  Brooklyn especially loved the pond with all of the ducks.  After the pictures we listened to a string quartet, well Brooklyn danced and I listened, as we drank Italian Sodas and ate appetizer.  We then headed into dinner.  The cake was the most amazing wedding cake I have ever seen, it took them over two weeks to make.  I wish I would have taken a picture of it.  We left after dinner because Brooklyn had had it by this point, but we heard the rest of the evening was lovely.

Haning out with cousin Audrey

Watching the ducks

Fedding the ducks with Daddy

Only Brooklyn would be able to get Craig to dance

dancing with Pops

Clapping along to the music

Oh how she loves to dance
 Craig then flew back to Memphis early Sunday morning and Brooklyn and I walked around Temple Square for a little while before we then drove to Boise with Stan and Diane, where we are going to spend a few weeks. We are so glad that we got to be a part of their big day and we are so excited for them. They are a beautiful couple and will have many happy years ahead of them.  Luckily Brooklyn was really great besides that one restless night of sleep, so that always makes it more enjoyable.