Monday, October 23, 2017

14 Months Old

Size 3 Diapers
Size 12 Month Clothes

Well our little lumberjack is 14 months old.  He is all over the place, walking like a mad man, sometimes almost running.  He loves the freedom that it gives him to carry something while he is walking.  He is finally letting us read him books, occasionally he will even let us finish them.  Stan and Diane were in town for a few days to see baby Wesley and for Kiley's baptism and McKay sure loved having Pops read him stories.  He still only has 8 teeth, even though I think he was working on his molars for about a week, but they never did pop through.  Of course a few days after his runny nose stops from his teething he then gets a cold and has had it since.  So we have not had the best sleeping this month, but it really hasn't been too bad for the most part.  About half the time he still takes two naps and the other half just one.  It mainly just depends on what time he woke up in the morning and what we have scheduled for the day.  He still eats well, pretty much anything we put in front of him.  He loves to use a spoon and fork and throw everything off of his high chair tray.  He drinks two bottles of milk a day, one before bed and another when he first wakes up.  Still not the biggest fan of milk straight out of the fridge, but he does at least eat plenty of yogurt and cheese, so he does get his calcium in.

He is still pretty attached to me and since he hasn't been feeling well most of the month he has been a little extra attached.  He will at least calm down pretty quickly when I leave, at least most of the time.  Now that he can walk around like the big kids he loves to follow Brooklyn and his cousins around and will play with them without me in the room better, which does make family dinners a little easier.  One thing that I at least think is major that he learned this month is how to blow his nose.  Since it has been constantly running he figured out pretty quickly how to blow it.  After he blows his nose he like to throw away the tissue and will do it all by himself., same with his diapers after we change him.  He knows where his ears, nose, hair, tummy and toes are.  He discovered belly buttons and loves to stick his finger in as far as it will go.  He will just walk up to Brooklyn and pull her shirt up and stick his finger right into her belly button.  He knows how to do touchdown, like what refs do when a touchdown is scored.  Even though he hasn't been feeling super great, he still loves to smile and giggle and give you slobbery kisses.  Sure love my little munchkin man.

The day before McKay turned 14 months, my family had our annual MSA fun run.  We had a pretty good turn out, (especially since it was so cold) about 230 or so and were able to raise over $12,000 to help with research for the disease.  It is always nice to see how many people love and support my parents and also other people from the community that have been effected by this disease.
The house is getting so close to being done.  They are pretty much done with the interior, just touch up stuff.  We decided to put in a big concrete slab in the backyard (25ft x 42 ft) that will eventually become a basketball court (well just past the three point line).  It will also be really nice for the kids to ride their bikes and scooters and draw with chalk and not have to worry about them out in the street.  They still need to do the rest of the landscaping, but our closing date is still set for November 6th.  So exciting!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pumpkin Patch Fieldtrip

On Friday October 13th we were able to go to the Farmstead Pumpkin Patch with Brooklyn's preschool class. It was a little chilly and would drizzle every now and then, but otherwise was a lot of fun.  The kids each choose out a little pumpkin during our hayride, we then went on the cow tractor ride, checked out the animals, and lastly played in the corn.  McKay had a cold so he was not super cheery, but he sure loved the corn and could have played in there forever.  Brooklyn had fun with her classmates and I did my best to talk to a few other moms. I am so glad that I am able to be home with the kids so that I can experience these things with them.

A few days later we were at the park and some leaves had fallen and the kids just couldn't help but to play in them.  Brooklyn loved to throw them up and make it rain leaves.