Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Big Purchases

Before all the craziness of Covid-19 we had a few big things happening.  I had surgery on my right shoulder to repair a rotator cuff tear and a SLAP tear on February 27th.  I didn't have any injury, just over use and my anatomy.  My shoulder had been bothering me since September and had just continued to get worse and had really started to limit me.  It hurt to do things around the house like vacuum, mop, lift McKay and I also was very limited when it came to working out (which for me is a big deal).  I finally went into the shoulder specialist in January and had some x-rays and MRI's and then got the surgery scheduled for the end of February.  When I got sick on Brooklyn's birthday (feb. 22) I was really nervous I wouldn't be able to have the surgery, but after a priesthood blessing and some antibiotics I was all set for surgery.  Of course Craig ended up getting sick the morning I went into surgery, so my recovery was a little different then I had anticipated.   He was laid up pretty bad all weekend so some how I managed to bathe the kids one handed and drive to Walgreens to get some water proof bandages (probably shouldn't have done that).  Recovery is pretty slow.  I can't lift anything heavier than 1 pound or run or lift my arm over my head for 3 months and then nothing heavier then 5 pounds for another 3 months.  After the 6 months I can then get back to all of my normal activities.  It has been hard and annoying at times, but it had to get done at some point, so at least now it is out of the way.  Craig had to do my hair(his ponytails definitely got better as time went on) and help me dress.  McKay had to start doing more for himself and Brooklyn had to become an even bigger helper.  I am excited for when I can start using it normally again because I am not good left handed, luckily after a few weeks I could start to write and eat with my right hand again.  This wasn't necessarily a purchase, but because of the way our insurance works, we  paid for most of it out of pocket and then will get reimbursed, so it was a little gut check to the wallet.

Now on to the really exciting purchase...drum roll please....  Craig got his Mustang!!  He ordered it in January and it finally came in on March 14th.  I knew when I married him that he was a car guy and that he would have more than one car, so this purchase was no surprise.  He also was saving up for it for a while so that he could pay cash.  Needless to say he is in love and the kids love Daddy's new race car.  They have named it Tiger Shark.  We all love taking rides in it and the kids get giddy when Craig really gets it going.  Now the hope is one of the kids (or lets be honest me) don't ding it with the car door when they get out of my car in the garage.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Winter Adventures

We had such a fun winter.  We spent a lot of time up in McCall at the cabin.  We are so lucky to have such a beautiful place to escape to.  The kids loved playing in the snow as much as possible.  Snow ball fights were had, sleds were ridden,  snow mountains climbed, snow angels made, and icicles were licked.  These kids had a blast and would even just go play out by themselves.  No one ever complained about getting cold, even when snow got down coats or gloves fell off, although a lot of hot chocolate was drank once we came inside. We did a lot of sledding.  Last year McKay was pretty wimpy when it came to sledding so we weren't really sure what to expect this year, but he really went for it.  He wanted to go down whatever hill Brooklyn was going down even if that included a jump.  These kids would go flying and they would pop back up and ask to go again.  Now just to have McKay be a little bigger so he can walk back up with the sled by himself.  We were able to play with cousins a few times in the snow, which always makes it more fun.  Once the kids even got to go on a snowmobile ride, thanks to Uncle Dallin and Aunt Missy.

A few other fun things that happened this winter:  McKay started primary at church, he is a Sunbeam and absolutely loves being with the big kids.  McKay also graduated from his crib and now sleeps in his big boy bed (just his crib without one side).  We went to JumpTime a few times (McKay's new favorite place and would stay their all day if he could), spent a lot of time with family, made messes, and were extra goofy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Happy Birthday Brooklyn

Our sweet girl turned 7 years old, February 22.  I can't believe how big she is getting.  She is so kind hearted, super smart, a great big sister, loves to read, gets frustrated easily, a perfectionist, has a big smile, and is genuinely a happy girl.  To celebrate her birthday we headed up to the cabin in McCall.  She said she wanted to ski for her birthday so to the snow we went.  Craig's parents came up with us to help spoil our 7 year old.  We headed up to the cabin Thursday evening and then woke up Friday morning and headed straight for the snow.  I woke up with body aches and a fever and so was kind of a bump on a log, but tried my best to play.  Friday afternoon Craig and Brooklyn headed up to the ski hill while McKay and I took a nap. 

Saturday, Brooklyn's b-day, she wanted to go to Pancake House for her birthday breakfast.  By this point I have a nasty sore throat and was just kind of along for the ride.  We let her order whatever she wanted, she choose the gigantic cinnamon roll.  Craig and the kids then played in the snow again and after lunch Brooklyn and Craig again headed up to the ski mountain while we napped.  At this point I was down for the count and was very grateful to my mother-in-law for making Brooklyn her birthday cake.  For dinner Brooklyn wanted My Father's Place.  She ate an entire hamburger and a good portion of a milkshake.  My dinner consisted of just a milkshake because it felt so good on my throat.  We then went back to the cabin to open presents, sing happy birthday and eat Texas sheet cake.  I think it is safe to say she had a great birthday. 

By Saturday night I felt like death, I truly have never felt that sick before.  I didn't sleep all night because I was in such intense pain and by morning my throat felt like it was literally on fire, yay for strep.  I laid on the couch Sunday morning while Craig packed everything up and cleaned up and then we headed home.  Luckily by Monday morning the anti-biodics had started to kick in and I was starting to feel a little bit like a human again.  I felt so bad being sick over Brooklyn's birthday and for Craig to have to do everything.  Luckily my wonderful in-laws were there and were super helpful while I was wallowing in self pity.  Sadly I gave the flu portion to both Diane and Craig who got it a few days later.  Next year I'm definitely getting my flu shot.

We have truly been blessed to have Brooklyn in our family.  She loves to be active, but is also content to sit and read a book or watch a movie.  She is happy and pleasant 99% of the time, the other 1% is when she is sick.  She has lost 5 teeth, picks at her finger nails, talks herself to sleep most nights, and loves her family.  Here's to another great year!