Monday, March 31, 2014

Brooklyn's First Eye Exam

Last Wednesday, March 26th, Brooklyn had her first eye exam at Craig's school.  Craig didn't do the exam since he doesn't have any days in Pediatrics, but he was able to be there for the exam.  Brooklyn did pretty well for the most of it, she did want to grab all of the 4th years instruments, but other than that she was very cooperative.  She even did well when they put the dilating drops in, but when the appointment took a turn for the worse is when it was time for the BIO.  She didn't want to keep her eyes open and didn't want to look where she was supposed to (which is really a lot to ask of a 1 year old), so she started to have a meltdown.  I calmed her down but they still needed to look at her right eye, so I held her and Craig held her eye open while the 4th year looked with the BIO.  To get to the point, it was a very traumatic event for little Miss Brooklyn.  The drive home was not much better.  She didn't want to keep her sunglasses on so that didn't help the situation, but she screamed the whole 25 minute drive home.  It was pretty awesome and of course Craig was in his own car since we had met him at the school, so only I got the opportunity to listen to her scream.  At least her eyes are healthy so we won't have to go through this again until next year and hopefully by then she will understand a little better what is going on and not freak out so much.

Monday, March 24, 2014

13 Months Old

March 22, 2014
20 lbs
Size 3 diapers
Size 9 and 12 month clothing

I feel like this month my baby is not such a little baby anymore.  The more she walks the more she seems like a little girl and I'm not so sure how I feel about it.  I wouldn't call her a walker yet but she can walk.  She walks a lot better on carpet then she does on hard surfaces.  When we are up in her nursery she can walk all the way across, which is about 10-12 steps.  She is just starting to figure out how to stand up on her own, she has done it only a few times, but once she gets that down I think she will be a walking a machine.  She finally got another tooth in, she's up to 4 now.  She has also been working on I think 2 more teeth, they have been going up and down for a few weeks, hopefully they will pop through soon.  She loves having more teeth  She loves to eat "real" food as much as possible.  I no longer get any food to myself unless she is sleeping.  This month she has tried a few new things that she really likes, olives, pickles, apples, pears, and cantaloupe.  She still is not the biggest fan of milk, but we keep working on it.  Hopefully one day she'll learn to like it, but I can't really blame her if she doesn't because I don't like to drink it either.

She continues to sleep pretty well. She will have a bad night or two when she is teething, but I can't really blame her for that.  For the most part she is only taking one nap a day. Occasionally she will take a short morning nap if she was up late the night before or up early that morning.  This month she has been really obsessed with books, and I mean truly obsessed.  There will be days that we read up to 25 books.  We have books both downstairs in the living room and upstairs in her nursery and she will bring a book over to me have me read it and then go grab another and we will do this until I stop her because I have read the same 5 books to her multiple times.  If she is going to be obsessed with something I guessing reading is a good one, hopefully this is something that will stick with her.

She loves to roll her basketball and soccer ball back and forth with us.  She has also learned to kick her soccer ball.  She'll stand holding onto the coffee table and she can kick it pretty well.  She also loves doggies.  She always barks when she sees one.  She also learned to growl.  We went to the zoo as a family last week and Craig growled while we were looking at the bears and Brooklyn wouldn't stop growling the rest of the day.  She now thinks that any other animal besides a dog growls.  Its pretty dang cute if I say so myself.  Recently we have started to work on learning her body parts. She knows where her tummy, ears and hair are.  We have been working on nose the longest and for some reason she always touches the top of her head when we ask her where her nose it, not really sure why she has such an issue with nose especially since she learned ear in all of 30 seconds.  Oh well she will figure it out someday.  She absolutely loves her tummy. She gets upset when she is wearing a onesie because she can't get to her tummy.  She is constantly trying to get to mine and Craig's tummy, which is fine at home but when she tries to do it in public that's a different story. 

This is how she likes to sit in the grocery cart and high chairs.  I guess she likes to be comfy.

When I shower she gets to hang in her saucer and watch cartoons.

we had fun trying on some of her new summer clothes

She can just barely reach the handle on the oven if she is on her tippy toes

there was no belt in the cart and this is what happened

Rockin' her new shades

She loves to put the oven mits on and she can do it all by herself