Wednesday, January 18, 2017

McKay 5 Months Old

January 15, 2017
Size 2 diapers (huge on him)
Size 3/6 and 6 month clothes

I feel like McKay has really grown this last month.  His cheeks have really filled out and he is starting to get some rolls on his thighs.  I'm not sure how much he weighs since he didn't have a doctors appointment, but he definitely looks chunkier to me.  He is still eating well.  I cut back my pumping and now only pump 3 times a day and have to grab some milk out of the freezer to supplement.  I am hoping to keep up just breast milk until he is 6 months old and then we will have to start supplementing with formula and then totally switch over around 7 months.  We are still working on the whole rolling over thing.  He doesn't really seem to care much and honestly I don't really either at this point.  I figure he will get there when he is ready.  He does however seem interested in sitting, sometimes he can balance a little bit when he is leaned over and has his belly on his legs.  His sleeping is still about the same.  We lay him down around 8:45pm and then usually have to put his binky in at some point and then I will feed him between 5:00 and 6:00 am and then he will sleep until 8:00/8:30.  Every once in a while he will throw in a full night and sleep until 7:00 or 8:00, but those are few and far between, but I am just fine with having to get up just once to feed him and I usually get to go back to sleep for an hour or so.  His naps are still sporadic.  He will typically have one decent nap in the middle of the day an hour and a half to two hours but then his other naps are about 30 minutes.  We are trying to transition him out of swaddling which he does ok not having his arms in, but the problem is that if I have to go put his binky in to get him back to sleep he just pulls it right out and gets frustrated because he can't get it back in all the way.  If anyone has suggestions I am open.

We took him swimming for the first time.  not the biggest fan.  He was doing fine until he got splashed pretty good, so then I just dried him off an we watched the other kids swim.  But he looked dang cute in his swimsuit.  He loves bath time and to kick his legs and make splashes. He has also started sticking his tongue out a bunch, well like all the time.  He laughs a lot more now and still smiles all the time. He is super tickalous (sp?) and you can always get a good giggle out of him that way.  He really is just a happy baby overall.  He found his toes this month and loves to grab them and try to eat them.  Brooklyn loves to get him to laugh and she continues to get louder as McKay gets louder, which  is not very fun when we are in the car.

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