Friday, October 21, 2016

Pumpkin Patch

This year we decided to go to The Farmstead instead of Linder Farms for our pumpkin patch outing.  First of all it is a lot closer and it opened earlier so we would be able to stay longer with the kids.  We were a little hesitant though because it was quite a bit more expensive than Linder Farms, but once we got there we knew why and it was totally worth it.  Brooklyn played in the corn pit, jumped on the giant inflatable pillow, swung on the zip line, went down the gunny sack slides, road the barrel train, took a hay ride, picked pumpkins, petted the goats and went for a pony ride.  She was in heaven! She even did the zip line and big slide all by herself, I wasn't sure if she was going to chicken out or not.  The only thing we had to pay extra for was the pony ride.  She had so much fun and did not want to leave.  We thought we would be there maybe an hour but ended up being there for over two.  McKay ate a bottle and just hung out in the front pack.  The weather was great, it was an absolute perfect fall day.  Brooklyn can't wait to paint her pumpkins and get them out on the front porch. We will definitely be going back again next year and maybe we will even do the corn maze.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

McKay: 2 Months

McKay Matthew Moss
weighs 10 lb 5 oz (6th percentile)
22.25 in. tall (13th percentile)
37.7 cm head circumference (9th percentile)

Well our little man is just that, nice and little.  He seems to have grown so much, but is still so tiny.  The doctor said that he is growing proportionally so there is nothing to worry about and that he will catch up percentage wise in 4 or 5 months.  He is finally starting to out grow his newborn clothes and is wearing a few 0-3 month things. We did switch him over from newborn to size 1 diapers, which I am sure he will be in for quite a while.  He is a true Moss and doesn't have a bum.  His 2 month check up went well.  Everything looks good.  The doctor is a little worried about his snoring and heavy breathing, He told me that babies aren't supposed to sound like that.  He said that some babies are just born congested so we are going to try some nasal drops to try to clear that up.  If that doesn't help then we are going to try some reflux medication.  Since McKay spits up so often the doctor said that when some of the spit up comes out of his mouth, some more of it could be getting stuck in his nasal passages, so potentially if we can keep him from spitting up as often we could hopefully clear out his sinuses and help him breath better.  He had been sleeping fine and been so happy that I hadn't worried about his breathing at all, I had just figured he had gotten the snoring gene from Craig's dad.  But hopefully one of these things will help our little guy breathe a little easier.  Other than the snoring he is a happy camper.  Brooklyn also got her flu shot while we were at the doctors office.  She was actually excited to get a shot and she watched the nurse stick her and didn't even flinch and there were zero tears.  It really was quite impressive.

He has started smiling a ton.  When he sees or hears someone he recognizes he will smile this big goofy smile that just melts me.  He has also started cooing a lot this last week or so.  Brooklyn loves to talk with him and do whatever she can to make him smile. He also has started making a lot of silly faces and Brooklyn loves to make them back. He is still sleeping pretty well.  Most nights he only wakes up one time for me to feed him.  Last feeding is still about 9 pm and then I will feed him 8-9 hours later and then he will wake up sometime between 8 and 8:30.  Naps are a little more hit or miss.  He either naps really well all day and I have to wake him up to feed him or he will nap for about 40 minutes each nap throughout the day.  He naps 4 times a day and will still sometimes take a little cat nap in the late evening.  He does really well falling asleep on his own.  For all of his naps I lay him down while he is still awake.  Occasionally I will have to go back in there, but most of the time he puts himself right to sleep. Eating is a little hit or miss as well.  He is still eating plenty but it is just a little frustrating on my end.  He comes on and off I swear a million times each time I nurse him and this last week he has decided he doesn't want to lay on his left side when he nurses so it makes for some awkward positions when I feed him on my right side.

We have been taking him to church this last month and he has done really well.  Everyone that sees him comments on his hair and most of the women want to touch it.  So far he hasn't really lost any of it yet, but I know there is still time for that.  I haven't taken him to the gym yet.  I wanted him to get some of his immunizations first and now maybe I will start taking him a few times a week during slow times at the child watch.  It just makes me really nervous to start taking him right when cold season is about to start, but I am really missing the gym and getting a little tired of always working out at home.  So hopefully I don't regret taking him, but I know I can't keep him home all winter long.

Over all he is a very happy baby and when he does get fussy he loves to suck on his binky.  He does really well in his car seat, which is good because we are in the car a lot and he usually takes at least one nap a day in his seat, on preschool days he naps in there twice.  Brooklyn loves him to pieces and loves that he is a little more interactive now.  She loves to jump from one side of him to the other (not over top of him) and have him follow her with his head.  She also loves to help me lay  him down for naps and sing him songs and give him kisses.  To say we are all infatuated would be an understatement.  I know everyone says this, but we really can't imagine our life without him.

If McKay is getting a picture then Brooklyn needs a picture too

He's ready for a fight

He's ready to join the Bronco Nation

In the process of trying to wake him up after a nap to feed him, as you can see I wasn't very successful

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Brooklyn's First Field trip

Brooklyn's preschool class went on a field trip last week to the Candy Apple Orchard out in Emmett, Idaho.  It was just a small family owned orchard that only had 4 types of apples, but the owners were super cute with the kids and seemed to love having them there.  They showed the kids the different kinds of apples that they grow and then showed them how they make apple cider on an old school press.  The kids then got to go pick 3 apples.  Brooklyn was so excited to show her apples to her dad and to eat the apples that she had picked. I also bought some of their homemade peach salsa, which was totally delicious.  Luckily McKay did really well on the 40 minute drive out there and back and had fun hanging out in the front pack while we walked around the orchard.  Brooklyn loves her preschool friends and her teacher Ms. Mandy.  She is so excited to when it is preschool day.  I am so glad that she loves to learn and hope that stays with her for as long as possible.

Firehouse Fun

On Saturday, October 8th, the Eagle Fire Station had an open house for the city.  They had hot dogs and cookies, face painting, balloon animals, all of their fire trucks and much more.  Brooklyn had an awesome time.  She climbed all through the fire trucks, she especially loved her balloon hat that my mom waited in line for about 30 minutes for.  She ate hot dogs with my dad and loved her pink fire hat.  She was in heaven.  It was a great Saturday morning activity while Craig was working and McKay was sleeping in the front pack.  I love where we live and that they still make it feel like a small town.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fall in McCall

We love McCall year round, but it is especially beautiful right at the start of fall.  If you can catch it just after the leaves start to change but before they start to fall off, it truly is magical.  This is just a picture from right off the back patio of the cabin, not too shabby huh?  The city is also pretty bare at this time of year because there really isn't any outdoor things you can do.  This was McKay's first trip up to McCall and he did great.  We left Friday after Craig got home from work, about 6:00pm.  We had to stop at Cougar Mountain Lodge to feed McKay.  Besides that little stop and Brooklyn complaining about the winding roads it was a pretty painless drive.  Brooklyn was so excited to sleep in Nana's bed at the cabin.  Up until now she has just slept in a pack 'n' play, yes I know she is 3 years old, but she slept really well in it so we didn't want to mess with it.  Since we were the only ones at the cabin for the weekend we decided to spread out a little and gave Brooklyn her own room and she was so excited she got Nana's room.
We were hoping to do some little hikes while we were up there, but it was windy and a little too chilly to take McKay, so we settled for just a bunch of walks around the neighborhood.  We also took a walk around downtown and made a pit stop at a park for Brooklyn to play.  We of course enjoyed some of our favorite restaurants while we were there.  We hit up My Father's Place for dinner on Saturday and Pancake house for breakfast on Monday.  We did our best to watch as much of General Conference as possible, but with two kids we didn't catch a whole lot.  Brooklyn played out in the backyard on the little swing set a ton.  She was so excited because she figured out how to really pump her legs and get going all by herself.  it was really quite impressive.

After a super nice relaxing weekend together as a family we had to get ready to head back to reality.  After a yummy breakfast we cleaned up the cabin and Craig loaded up the car (which was completely packed, adding another kid to bunch sure added a lot more things to our packing list).  we were able to leave right after I fed McKay and so he slept the entire drive home and we made it home without having to stop.  We can't wait to get up there again, but by the time we get up there it will be a lot colder and there might even be snow on the ground.