Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Here we go...

Brooklyn has something she would like to tell everyone...

We are very excited to announce that we are expecting baby #2 August 28th.  

After 4 rounds of Clomid and a year of trying (which I know really isn't that long) we are finally pregnant.  I am currently 12 weeks and can't wait to get passed all of this morning sickness stuff.  I thought I had it bad with Brooklyn, but looking back now I see that really wasn't that bad.  Luckily I have a really good 2 year old who will entertain herself and is very obedient, so that definitely makes a big difference.  Hopefully I will be passed all of this in a few weeks (with Brooklyn it lasted until week 17), until then Craig will just have to continue to put up with me (good thing he loves me, cuz I am no fun to be around right now).  We found out I was pregnant just a few days before Christmas, so to say the least, that was my favorite Christmas present.  Brooklyn had a lot of fun spreading the news with our family.  It took Craig's parents a little while to figure it out, but by the time we went over to my parents house Brooklyn had the hang of it and she would run up to everyone and tell them to look at her new shirt.  She is so excited to be a big sister and she is going to be an awesome big sister.  She goes back and forth whether she wants it to be a baby brother or sisters, but the majority of the time she goes with sister.

Cabin Fever

We have been able to head up to the cabin a couple of times since Christmas. Once just the 3 of us in January and then Once at the start of February with Stan and Diane during the Winter Carnival.  Both times Brooklyn had a lot of fun playing in the snow, she especially enjoyed "skating" on the frozen lake.  During the Winter Carnival she really liked the pony ride and the snow sculptures. We of course enjoyed all of the yummy food that we always eat while we are there and Stan and Craig even went skiing one day.  To say the least we really enjoy our time up in McCall whenever we can get up there.
Payette Lake

Daddy is way more fun to play with in the snow then Mommy

enjoying the snow sculptures around town

Making a snow angel at Brundage when we met Stan and Craig for lunch when they went skiing

A little snuggle time after nap time

Cleaning up before we had to leave

She sure loves her pony rides. She has done it enough now that she doesn't even want one of us to walk with her
Here are a few other random pictures from the last few months:
Her first BSU basketball game. 

Every once in a while I will let her get a treat at the store. This time it was powdered doughnut holes and of course she chose the ones that were dyed blue.

Playing the fishy game with LJ