Thursday, September 5, 2024

It's Great to be 8!


McKay had a big birthday last month, he turned 8!  For months he had been talking about his birthday and telling everyone who would listen about his baptism.  His birthday was Thursday Aug. 15th, sadly already the second day of school.  The kids had school all day and then McKay wanted to go to Blaze Pizza for dinner.  So we met Nana and Pops and Grandma and Tucker there for dinner.  McKay opened up his gift from Grandma, a sports book and a BSU sweatshirt.  We then headed back to our house with Nana and Pops for birthday donuts and to open presents.  He got a new watch from Nana and Pops and then a BB gun and pocket knife from Mom and Dad.

Saturday was his big day, his baptism.  It wasn't the Stake Baptism day so we had to go over to the church early to fill the font.  There was a lot of family there to support him and he asked a lot of people to help out.  Grandma gave a talk about baptism and Pops gave a talk about the Holy ghost.  Craig was the bishopric representative and conducted in his white jumpsuit.  It was a beautiful service and everything went very smoothly.  He looked so grown up in his new suit and dress shoes.

Later that evening we got back together for a birthday party/open house for his baptism.  There was a lot of family and a couple of McKay's buddies.  We had it at Stan and Diane's.  The kids swam and played basketball on the sports court and played football in the grass.  We at pizza and key lime pie and Texas sheet cake.  McKay had a blast being surrounded by his cousins and friends.  All he wanted to do was swim and play sports.  I would definitely consider the day a success.  He was so cute and happy all day and just couldn't stop smiling. But of course I forgot to take any pictures at the party.

We are so proud of him for making the choice to follow the example of Jesus Christ and to be baptized.  We spent a lot of time preparing him for it and he was definitely ready. I think he had a really great day and I am so glad that we got to be a part of it.  He is such a kind and loving and friendly kiddo.  He is also full of energy and sometimes a little crazy, but I think we will keep him around. We love our McKay and the joy he brings to our family.

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